Monday, September 23, 2013

More About Warts, Moles, and Skin Tags

Warts, moles and skin tags are common skin conditions.Most people who have them feel uncomfortable and often go to great lengths to hide them or have them removed.In this article we will investigate some of the causes of Skin Tags, Warts and Moles. SKIN TAGS Skin tags are soft pieces of skin. The tag is composed of epidermis, fat cells and ducts. Basically they are collagen and blood vessels trapped in skin folds. They can appear almost anywhere on the body, but mostly on the neck, upper chest, eyelids. Females and males are equally suseptible to skin tags, but in particular if you are overweight or diabetic you are more likely to have them. Also, heredity play s a role, skin tags seem to be passed on from generation to generation. Though a skin tags are harmless, their appearance can be frustrating and there are ways to remove them. These include:Interuppting the blood supply to the tag, which causes it to fall off; cauterization and electolysis to burn it off; excision with a scalpel, and over-the-counter solutions MOLES Moles are black, or brown growths on the skin. They appear virtually anywhere on the skin with onset often in childhood. A mole occurs when the skin cells grow in clusters instead of spreading out. Melanocytes give the mole the dark color. Though a majority of the skin moles are not dangerous, it is a good idea to watch them for changes in shape, color, number and size. This can help you detect early onset skin cancer, or melanoma WARTS Warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). When the virus is introduced into the skin, either People come into contact with the virus through touching, shaking hands, basically touching any item that an infected person might have touched. The virus enters the body through a cut or abrasion.Some people are more susceptible to getting warts than others and children seem to get them more than adults. Also, the condition can be inherited. Warts can be removed by a dermatologist or with over-the-counter remedies.

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